Ice Bath Benefits: What Do Experts Say? Long-Term Benefits?


Ice bath benefits are vast – from lessening inflammation and exhaustion to enhancing the immune system, mood regulation, and even collagen synthesis. This article is a comprehensive review of ice bath benefits.

Diving into the icy embrace of cold water immersion, have you ever wondered how this chilling experience could be more than just a test of willpower? 

It’s fascinating to discover that the shivers running down your spine could be unlocking a treasure trove of health, mental, cognitive, lifestyle, and maybe even long-term benefits!

Let’s dive into the cold, clear waters of this practice to uncover the chilling yet surprisingly warm benefits it holds.

What is Ice Bath Therapy?

  • Ice bath therapy, an ancient practice, is making a comeback in wellness trends, offering a range of physical and mental health benefits.
  • Despite its chilling proposition, engaging in controlled cold plunges can enhance recovery, boost immunity, and improve mental resilience.
  • Understanding the risks and best practices for ice bath therapy ensures a safe and beneficial experience.

Ice bath therapy, or cold water immersion, involves dipping into water temperatures of 15 degrees Celcius or lower. 

This isn’t a new fad; it’s a revitalized tradition making waves in luxury spas, fitness centers, and even home bathrooms. 

Its principle is simple: the shock of cold water to the system can stimulate various physical and mental health benefits.

Regardless of the weather, every Sunday morning just before 8 a.m., the cold plunge group assembles in front of the bathhouse at Seattle’s Golden Gardens Park. Credit:

Audrey Nassal, a regular participant in cold plunge sessions, shares her transformative experience: “Initially, the thought of submerging myself in ice-cold water was daunting. However, the post-plunge feeling of exhilaration and the sense of accomplishment I felt were unparalleled. 

Over time, I noticed not just improvements in my physical recovery, but a significant boost in my mood and energy levels. The ice bath has become a sanctuary for me, a place where I can reset, both physically and mentally.”

Benefits of Braving the Cold


Dr. Jonathan Leary, founder of Remedy Place and a renowned wellness expert, shares his perspective on the benefits of ice bath therapy: 

“The immediate shock of cold water not only invigorates the body but also sharpens the mind. Many of my clients report feeling more alert and mentally clear after incorporating regular cold plunges into their routine. It’s as if the cold water washes away mental fog, leaving behind a sense of clarity and renewed focus.”

Dr. Jonathan Leary

In short, the benefits of braving the ice bath are immense depending on how your body takes it. Here’s a summary:

  • Enhanced Recovery and Inflammation Reduction: Ice baths can help reduce muscle inflammation and accelerate recovery after intense physical activity.
  • Boosted Immune System: Regular cold exposure is thought to stimulate the immune system, potentially leading to fewer colds and illnesses.
  • Mental Resilience: The mental challenge of enduring cold can strengthen your mind, teaching you how to remain calm under stress.

4 Ice Bath Physical Health Benefits

Photo Credit: Orbit Fitness

One of the most celebrated benefits of ice baths is their ability to speed up physical recovery. Immersing your body in cold water after intense exercise helps reduce muscle inflammation and soreness, making it a favorite recovery method among athletes. 

As Dr. Jonathan Leary points out, “The contrast between the heat generated by your muscles during a workout and the cold of the bath encourages blood flow, helping flush out metabolic waste products more efficiently.”

Dr. Jonathan Leary

1. Enhanced Immune Response

Regularly braving the cold can fortify your body’s defense system. Studies suggest an uptick in white blood cell count and improved circulation, arming the body against pathogens.” Neil Paulvin, DO emphasizes the variety of benefits from cold plunging, including immune system support.

2. Improved Circulation

Frank Lipman, MD, Chief Medical Officer at The Well, explains the physiological responses to cold exposure, including the reduction in inflammation and pain, and the positive effects on skin appearance through blood vessel constriction. 

He also mentions the safety and effectiveness of integrating cold plunging into routine practices for health benefits.

The immediate effect of cold water on the body is the constriction and subsequent dilation of blood vessels. This process pumps life into your cardiovascular system, enhancing heart health and circulation.

3. Reduced Inflammation

Ice baths are renowned for their ability to significantly reduce muscle soreness after intense physical activity. By constricting blood vessels and decreasing metabolic activity, ice baths help in quicker muscle recovery, enabling athletes to maintain a high level of performance.

Studies on animals, including one focusing on multiple sclerosis, suggest that extended exposure to cold, beyond traditional ice baths, could be beneficial for autoimmune conditions.

Denis Blondin, a researcher in physiology from the University of Sherbrooke located in Quebec, Canada, points out the importance of cold in mitigating inflammation following injuries, yet he acknowledges the challenges in researching chronic inflammation. 

The variability of biomarkers, which can fluctuate significantly, makes it difficult to definitively attribute changes to chronic inflammation. 

4. Enhancing Skin and Liver Health

The benefits of ice baths extend to improving skin and liver health. Cold water helps tighten the skin, reducing pores and puffiness, while also stimulating liver function, aiding in detoxification processes. 

Dr. Ariel Ostad, MD, Board-Certified Cosmetic Dermatologist, speaks of the skin health benefits of cold plunges, noting that they can decrease inflammation, redness, and swelling. 

Dr. Ostad further explains that the constriction of blood vessels from cold exposure not only benefits the skin’s appearance by reducing puffiness but also may have anti-aging effects by slowing down collagen breakdown.

3 Mental Health and Cognitive Benefits

Perhaps one of the most profound benefits of ice bath therapy is the development of mental toughness. Facing the discomfort of cold water teaches you to remain calm under pressure, building a resilience that transcends the ice bath itself. 

Frank D’Agostino, a fitness nutrition specialist, emphasizes this point, noting that “the ability to control your breath and stay composed in uncomfortable situations can help you manage stress and adversity more effectively in other areas of life.”

1. Elevated Mood

The cold triggers a flood of endorphins, nature’s mood lifters. This chemical surge combats depression and elevates mood, making the initial discomfort a worthy trade-off. 

Frank D’Agostino notes the immediate and long-term benefits of cold plunging which include enhanced fat burning due to the activation of brown fat cells, and mental health benefits like the boost in mood from endorphin release

The shock of cold water stimulates the nervous system, increasing endorphin levels, and providing a natural mood lift.

2. Increased Mental Clarity

Cold exposure through ice baths can enhance cognitive functions, including focus, alertness, and clarity. The stress induced by cold water forces the brain into a heightened state of awareness, potentially improving decision-making and concentration. 

Take it from Sergii Putsov, CPT, Former Olympic Weightlifter.  He explains the historical roots of cold plunging and its evolution from a recovery tool for athletes to a mainstream wellness practice. Putsov also emphasizes the mental and physical discipline required to regularly engage in cold plunging and its benefits for mental clarity and focus.

3. Stress Reduction

The calming effect of an ice bath, particularly when taken in the evening, can significantly improve sleep quality. By lowering the body’s core temperature, ice baths help signal to the brain that it’s time to rest, aiding in faster sleep onset and deeper sleep cycles.

Furthermore, the ability to control your breath and stay composed in uncomfortable situations can help you manage stress more effectively. Frank D’Agostino again emphasizes the practice’s role in building mental resilience and discipline.

4 Lifestyle and Performance Enhancements

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1. Improved Quality of Rest

The serene aftermath of an ice bath often leads to deeper, more restful slumber, thanks to its soothing effect on the nervous system.

Dr. Rhonda Patrick, in her comprehensive review on cold exposure benefits, highlights how the lowering of core body temperature can facilitate the onset of sleep and improve sleep quality, drawing parallels to natural sleep cycles and temperature regulation.

2. Enhanced Athletic Recovery

Ice therapy is a staple in sports for its ability to lessen muscle pain and accelerate recovery, getting athletes back in the game faster.

The National Institute of Sports Medicine reports that athletes using ice bath therapy post-training experience significantly reduced muscle soreness compared to those not using this recovery method, underscoring its efficacy in sports science.

3. Boosted Metabolism

Shivering isn’t just a reaction; it’s an energy-burning process. The body’s effort to warm up post-plunge can rev up metabolism, aiding in weight management. 

Engaging in regular ice baths can boost metabolism, increase calorie burn and aid in weight management. The body expends significant energy to warm itself up after cold exposure, potentially aiding in fat loss efforts.

4. Addressing Autoimmune Conditions and Diabetes

Emerging research indicates that cold therapy, including ice baths, may have positive effects on autoimmune conditions and diabetes management. The anti-inflammatory properties of cold exposure can help modulate the immune system, potentially reducing autoimmune flare-ups and aiding in glucose metabolism. 

Research by the National Library of Medicine suggests that regular cold exposure may reduce the inflammatory response, offering new avenues for managing autoimmune conditions and metabolic diseases like diabetes.

Furthermore, the approach popularized by Wim Hof, known for combining meditation, controlled exposure to cold, and specific breathing techniques, has also been subject to scientific scrutiny. 

Researchers have observed a marked anti-inflammatory response in individuals who follow Hof’s method, especially when exposed to bacterial fragments. 

However, the precise role of cold exposure in eliciting this response remains uncertain, highlighting the complexity of isolating its effects from those of accompanying practices like meditation and breathwork.

Are There Long-Term Ice Bath Benefits?

The allure of ice baths lies in their ability to provide both immediate relief from stress, fatigue, and soreness, and long-term health benefits. 

What about long-term benefits? Some experts believe that regular ice bath practice can lead to sustained improvements in mental health, physical recovery, and disease prevention.

How to Safely Incorporate Ice Bath Therapy Into Your Routine

You might find yourself taking most of your ice baths whenever it fits easily into your schedule. However, there are times when you might strategically plan them to tap into specific benefits. 

Each approach and timing brings its own unique set of advantages, allowing you to customize your routine to fit your personal health and wellness goals. 

But first, let’s discuss the primary precautions before taking an ice bath.

Ice Bath Therapy Precautions

If you’re considering trying cold water therapy, here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

  • Consult with your primary care physician to ensure cold water therapy is appropriate for you.
  • Never undertake cold water therapy alone. Ensure the water environment is safe, paying attention to factors like tides, currents, waves, potential underwater hazards, pollution, and the presence of jellyfish if outdoors.
  • TIP: the best way to ice bath is through controlled environments. You can purchase an ice bath equipment for home use. This approach allows for a safe and measured introduction to the practice, ensuring the benefits of cold plunging can be enjoyed without unnecessary risks.
  • Plan your entry and exit strategy carefully, keeping in mind that cold temperatures can impair muscle function and reduce sensation in your hands and feet.
  • Prepare for warming up afterward. Have towels, dry clothing, windproof garments, a warm beverage, and a place to seek shelter ready. Avoid driving or cycling until you’ve fully regained warmth.
  • Limit your time in cold water. Exit the water before you start to feel numb, in pain, or begin to shiver.

How Long to Ice Bath for Benefits

Starting small is key. Begin with short, bearable immersions and gradually increase your exposure time.

For Beginners

According to Dr. McKenna, NYC fitness trainer and founder of The Irish Yank Society, 1-3-minute ice baths are great to start with for beginners. 

For Intermediate Users

As you get used to this type of lifestyle, you can start doing 3 to 6-minute ice baths.

Ice Bath Time Limit

Do not spend more than 10 to 15 minutes in the ice bath as it can have adverse effects on your body.

Take note: listen to your body. Always prioritize safety to prevent hypothermia and consult with a healthcare provider before embarking on this chilly journey. Set a timer while you’re ice bathing to prevent going overboard.

Benefits Of Ice Bath Everyday

Many athletes advocate for immersing in an ice bath promptly following a workout to alleviate delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Research supports that this technique can be most beneficial within 24 hours post-exercise.

Advocates for cold-water therapy also suggest concluding every shower with a burst of cold water, resorting to regular ice baths primarily when experiencing muscle discomfort.

“Entering an ice bath immediately after a workout or competitive event enhances the benefits,” advises Dr. A. Brion Gardner, an orthopedic surgeon at The Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics.

He notes that delaying this practice for an hour post-exercise could mean missing the optimal window for preventing or reducing inflammation and initiating the healing process.

Benefits Of Ice Bath In The Morning

An early morning plunge kick-starts your day with an energizing boost, potentially improving circulation and mental clarity, and setting a positive tone for the day ahead. Incorporating this practice each morning can enhance these effects, contributing to increased energy levels, a more robust immune response, and better stress management over time.

Benefits of Ice Bath At Night

Choosing to take a cold plunge at night can also be beneficial, helping to soothe the day’s stress and improve sleep quality by lowering your body temperature, preparing you for a restful night.

2-Minute Ice Bath Benefits

Exploring different durations for your ice bath can also yield various benefits. A 2-minute plunge is a great starting point, offering a quick refresh that can enhance mood and alertness.

3-Minute Ice Bath Benefits

Extending your immersion to 3 minutes can deepen these benefits, possibly improving fat metabolism and further boosting your immune system. 

5-Minute Ice Bath Benefits

A 5-minute session amplifies these effects even more, with potential for increased endurance and reduced inflammation.

Shym Saunas’ Portable Ice Bath is super easy to set up

After exploring the myriad benefits of ice bath therapy, you might be wondering how to incorporate this practice into your routine conveniently. That’s where the Portable Inflatable Shym Ice Bath Tub comes into play. This innovative product offers all the health benefits of a traditional cold plunge at a fraction of the cost and with added setting-up convenience.

Its inflatable design makes it ideal for small spaces. Simply inflate the tub, fill it with water, add some ice, and you’re ready to enjoy the rejuvenating benefits of cold immersion therapy.

With its complete package including a hand pump, repair kit, carry bag, and cover, setting up and using the ice bathtub is a breeze. 

Luxurious Wood-Inspired Theme, Very Easy Maintenance

If you’re looking for a more luxurious design to pair up with your nice Fin style backyard or you’re simply into wood-inspired themes, the Shym Saunas Barrel Cold Plunge Tub or Cube Cold Plunge Tub is for you.

These ice baths stand out with their construction featuring stainless steel liners, lined with PVC boards. Unlike tubs with Cedar lining that demand regular maintenance treatments to prevent cracking and drying, these stainless steel-lined tubs eliminate the need for such upkeep. 

This makes it an ideal choice for those seeking a hassle-free and hygienic cold plunge experience.

Who should avoid cold plunging?

  • Individuals with cardiovascular disease or hypertension
  • Those diagnosed with Raynaud’s syndrome
  • Pregnant individuals
  • Those with high blood pressure, heart disease, or other circulatory issues
  • Individuals with consistently low baseline body temperature
  • Those with pacemakers, unless under medical clearance or direct supervision.

Optimizing Workout Recovery

Photo Credit: Orbit Fitness

Benefits Of Ice Bath After Workout

After an intense workout session, an ice bath can be a sanctuary for sore muscles. The cold immersion helps reduce muscle inflammation and soreness, speeding up the body’s recovery process. This practice is not just about quick relief but also about enabling athletes and fitness enthusiasts to maintain consistent performance levels.

Benefits Of Ice Bath Before Workout

Contrary to the popular post-workout ritual, taking an ice bath before exercising has its own set of benefits. It can prime the body for the upcoming physical exertion, reducing the risk of injury and inflammation. This preparatory step can lead to a more focused and energized workout session.

Synergizing Heat and Cold: Sauna Ice Bath Routine Benefits

Benefits Of Ice Bath And Sauna

The combination of sauna and ice baths, known as contrast therapy, offers a powerful way to enhance physical recovery and mental relaxation. The heat from the sauna expands blood vessels, improving circulation, while the subsequent plunge into cold water constricts them, flushing out toxins and reducing muscle soreness.

Ice Bath Contrast Therapy

This practice goes beyond physical benefits, fostering mental resilience and fortitude. The deliberate transition from heat to cold challenges the body and mind, teaching practitioners to remain calm and composed under stress.

Specialized Ice Bath Experiences

AP Photo/Mark Lambie

Ice Bath Pool Benefits And Therapy Lounge

Ice bath therapy lounges and pools provide a dedicated space for cold immersion therapy, catering to individuals seeking both communal and solitary recovery experiences. These specialized facilities offer tailored temperatures and environments to maximize the therapeutic benefits of ice baths.

Home Practices: Ice Bath Hot Tub Combo Benefits

Integrating ice baths into a home wellness routine has become more accessible, thanks to the versatility of hot tub and ice bath combos. This setup allows individuals to enjoy the benefits of contrast therapy within the comfort of their own homes, making regular practice more feasible.

Looking to elevate your home wellness routine to the next level? Consider our exclusive hot tub and cold plunge combo deal. If you’re seeking relief from muscle soreness, and stress reduction, or simply want to enhance your overall well-being, this combo has you covered.

Plus, by purchasing both products together, you’ll unlock a special discount, making it more affordable than ever to create your oasis of relaxation.

Targeted Benefits for Health and Performance

Before and After Sauna

Taking an ice bath before entering a sauna can invigorate the body, preparing it for the heat exposure. Conversely, an ice bath after a sauna session helps to close the pores, tighten the skin, and further reduce muscle soreness, offering a comprehensive detoxification and recovery experience.

Hot and Cold Therapy for Athletes

Athletes particularly benefit from the sequence of hot sauna sessions followed by ice baths. This regimen is crucial for rapid recovery, reducing the downtime between training sessions and enhancing overall athletic performance.

Expert Resources:

  • Dr. Jonathan Leary – Founder of Remedy Place and wellness expert.
  • Dr. Neil Paulvin – Physician; Expertise is in Functional Medicine, Integrative Sports Medicine, Regenerative medicine, Osteopathic Manipulation and Craniosacral Therapy
  • Frank Lipman, MD – Chief Medical Officer at The Well
  • Denis Blondin – Researcher in physiology from the University of Sherbrooke, Quebec
  • Dr. Ariel Ostad, MD – Board-Certified Cosmetic Dermatologist
  • Frank D’Agostino – Fitness Nutrition Specialist
  • Sergii Putsov, CPT – Former Olympic Weightlifter
  • Dr. Rhonda Patrick – Expert in cold exposure benefits
  • Dr. A. Brion Gardner – Orthopedic surgeon at The Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics, advising on the timing of ice baths for optimal benefits.
  • Dr. McKenna – NYC fitness trainer and founder of The Irish Yank Society, providing guidance on ice bath durations for beginners.

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